MVDr. Ivan Soukup - Small Animal Praxis - English |
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Welcome on the websites of The Small Animal Praxis Velvary !
Our Surgery is a private veterinary praxis, started in 1991, concentrated on a basic veterinary medicine. Our patiens are dogs, cats and other small animals and pets. We can offer you our service in inner medicine, surgery, ortopedy, stomatology, skin diseases, gynekology, aplication of mikrochips and drawing up and confirmation of pet travel documents. We sell veterinary medical drugs and foods. Our goal is to provide high quality diagnosis , therapy and prevention of the diseases of our patients in accordance with actual knowladges of veterinary medicine. We want to create pleasant environment for the owners of our patiens and by the individualization to apply preventive and therapeutical procedures leading to the efective prevention of the illness and rapid recovery of our patiens. The complicated cases we can consult and solve with specialists. Our praxis is situated in the city of Velvary , Pražská str. 58, in the middle Bohemia, about 25 kms northwest of Prague. The nearst bigger city is Kralupy nad Vltavou. You can come from Prague by the highway E 55 – direction Teplice, on 18th kms take to the left, direction Slaný, or by the highway R7 direction Slaný and in Slaný take right direction Mělník. In Velvary, please, use the entrance from Školní street (GPS: N50o16´51.873´´, E14o14´14.171´´). You can use parking for clients cars only, place for walking dogs and children playgroud . Hours of attendance: Mo – Fry: 2 p.m. – 8 p.m. Sa: 9 a.m. – 12 a.m.
Contact: +420 315 761 019, please call in advance.
Thank you for visiting our web sites!
MVDr. Ivan Soukup
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